Investing for Retirement: Recalling the Lessons of History

Even if you aren’t a history buff, you should have a basic understanding of financial history so that you aren’t surprised by ‘unexpected’ financial downturns. When these downturns inevitably occur, you will be able to stick to your long-term financial plan. Limiting your research to just the past 100 years, financial history evidences significant volatility for both stocks and bonds. Using recent history as a rough guide, you should assume that similar downturns will happen again in the future, even if you don’t know exactly when they will happen.
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Investing for Retirement: Time

Time is transformational. The longer the time that you hold your investments, the closer your portfolio’s actual returns will approximate their expected average. If your investment time is short, then higher return investments may be too risky due to variation in your actual returns. But, if your investment time is long-term, then you can consider higher-return, riskier investments because the variation in your actual returns will be closer to the expected average. Continue reading Investing for Retirement: Time

Investing for Retirement: Table of Contents

Contents Overview Defining Your Investment Objectives Building Your Net Worth by Budgeting, Saving & Investing Compounding, Inflation & Real Returns Controlling the Costs of Your Investing Risk, Return & Time Market Risk Other Types of Risk Longevity & Mortality Risk Health Risk Event Risk Tax & Policy Risk Investment Return Time Recalling the Lessons of History Predicting the Future Financial Market Efficiency The Efficient Market … Continue reading Investing for Retirement: Table of Contents